Sunday, December 8, 2019

Carol of Joy

I first heard this glorious Christmas song many years ago as a part of a Christmas concert I was asked to participate in. The orchestration Dan Forrest has set to Eileen Berry's beautiful poem is so gorgeous that I was immediately caught up in the spirit of this inspiring carol. However, I have to admit that, similar to my experience with most choral music, I could never quite understand the words clearly enough to capture the true message of this song. But that didn't stop me finding a copy of it and listening multiple times every Christmas season since then. You'd think that my efforts to track down the song would have naturally been accompanied by efforts to look up the lyrics. But, in the words of Han Solo, "Hey, it's me!" and I have been content to be inspired by the beautiful melodies without a complete understanding of the message of the carol.

Last Christmas, I was once again blessed with an opportunity to play this song at a Christmas concert. This time, however, the conductor made a last minute call at the dress rehearsal to limit the number of string players to a small handful so that there would be better balance with the choir. I was quite upset. This was one of my favorite Christmas songs; I rarely get to perform it; and I was now going to have to sit this one out. But my disappointment was replaced by something unexpected as I quietly sat and listened to the performance. Sitting with my eyes shut tight and my ears wide open in the middle of the string section, with the winds and brass just behind me and the choir close behind them, I arguably had the best seat in the house and experienced this carol in true surround sound. And that immersive experience, where I didn't have to focus on my notes, allowed me to focus mentally on the words I heard and spiritually and emotionally on the feelings the musical setting evoked in me. I found clarity in the words that I had not found before. And I was carried away in the message of this beautiful carol.

I hurried home after the concert to look up the lyrics and to listen to my recording. I listened again. And then I listened once more. The power of this song rose to new heights as it took on deeper meaning and inspiration for me. I decided then and there that this beautiful choral performance of the carol deserved to be coupled with those beautiful and poetic words of Eileen Berry so that all who hear could share with me in the clarity and deeper meaning of those lyrics. My Christmas season came and went in a bustle of activity, and it took me a year before I finally fulfilled my commitment to make this video. May you be touched by the beauty of the music and the message of this song as you join us in singing this Carol of joy, of hope, and of redemption made possible through the life and gift of Him whose birth we commemorate this holiday season. Merry Christmas and God Bless!

Green leaves all fallen, withered and dry; 
Brief sunset fading, dim winter sky. 
Lengthening shadows, Dark closing in… 
Then, through the stillness, carols begin! 

Oh fallen world, to you is the song— 
Death holds you fast and night tarries long. 
Jesus is born, your curse to destroy! 
Sweet to your ears, a carol of Joy! 

Pale moon ascending, solemn and slow; 
Cold barren hillside, shrouded in snow; 
Deep, empty valley veiled by the night; 
Hear angel music—hopeful and bright! 

Oh fearful world, to you is the song— 
Peace with your God, and pardon for wrong! 
Tidings for sinners, burdened and bound— 
A carol of joy! A Saviour is found! 

Earth wrapped in sorrow, lift up your eyes! 
Thrill to the chorus filling the skies! 
Look up sad hearted—witness God’s love! 
Join in the carol swelling above! 

Oh friendless world, to you is the song! 
All Heaven’s joy to you may belong! 
You who are lonely, laden, forlorn— 
Now unto you, A Saviour is born!

- Eileen Berry

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