Sunday, April 16, 2017


After a wonderful week of remembering Jesus and the true meaning behind Easter through the inspiring music of Lamb of God and through the beautiful visual depictions of these sacred events, Easter morning has finally arrived. 

Yesterday, I shared some thoughts about the haze, twilight, and storm clouds of Saturday. And today, those clouds have fled, and the sun is shining brightly as our hope that carried us through the long and difficult Saturday has been confirmed by the light and truth of Jesus Christ's glorious Resurrection.

This wonderful week for me began with joy and exultation with a shout of Hosanna at the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. Now, on Easter Sunday, my week ends with similar feelings of joy and exultation with my shout of Gloria at the triumphal return of Jesus to life and His glorious victory over death and sin.

I thank my God for the gift of His Son and for the opportunity for second chances. I thank my God for the opportunity to see my little sister, and all those who have gone before me, again. I thank my God for the opportunity I have to live through the Saturdays of my life so that I may glory in the brilliant light and joy of the Sunday mornings that follow.

Knowing that there is little that I could add that wouldn't detract from what I've already shared of my joy this Easter morning, I will simply join my voice with Mary's and sing Gloria!

Sing O my heart, Sing thy rejoicing,
Morning has dawned and will stretch forth her wing.
No more the night holds thee his captive,
Jesus is risen, my Savior and king.

I'll sing Gloria, Glory to the Lord!
Gloria, glory for the life he doth bring.
Gloria, gloria gloria!
Gloria for my Savior lives!

Why dost thou weep? What is thy longing?
Why art thou cast down and turned from the light?
Lift up your eyes, look for the morning.
Wait for the darkness is only the night. 

And sing Gloria, Glory to the Lord!
Gloria, glory for the life he doth bring.
Gloria, gloria gloria!
Gloria for my Savior lives!

Israel rejoice, Sing all creation,
Jesus is risen with life in His wings.
Raise up your voice, Sing our salvation,
Now more than conquerers through Him our king.

Sing we Gloria!
Gloria, glory for the life he doth bring.
O Sing Gloria, gloria!
Gloria for my Savior lives!

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